Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Arena - Politico's daily debate with policymakers and opinion shapers |

The Arena - Politico's daily debate with policymakers and opinion shapers "the last 14 days, have shown us how desperately the country needs real oversight and responsible regulation of the financial markets -- the kind of oversight and regulation that has been altogether missing for the past eight years....And the reality is Senator McCain may have just made his biggest error of the presidential campaign"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What’s Money Got to Do With It? | Small Business Trends

What’s Money Got to Do With It? Small Business Trends: "seemingly successful entrepreneur has stumbled mightily when it comes to the making money part of the deal.
I don’t know about your upbringing, but I do know that entire generations of adults were taught by well-intentioned people who had the idea that money, or making money or, certainly making lots of money, was somehow a bad thing.
And, even though that’s one of the significant reasons for opening up shop, the majority of small business owners I encounter are hobbled by this deep-seated belief.
In my experience this shows up most frequently in the way they conduct the financial affairs in the business. Now, I’m a marketing guy, remember"

The Writers' Cafe

The Writers' Cafe: "Today too many of us live life like the flock. There is no sharing in the flock, and constant pushing and shoving. From the little research I have already done on Chekhov, he was greatly concerned about the rights of man, as mentioned in The Seagull.
My personal belief is that there is no shortage of wealth in this nation, as well as in the world. Political theorists would have us believe that the economy of our country has taken a major downturn simply because perhaps a handful of the wealthiest have lost a few poorly placed bets on the great economic roulette wheel of “high tech stocks”
Stephen C. Sanders The Seagull by Anton Chekhov…"

Friday, July 11, 2008

In The Beginning

In The Beginning: "As a Bal Tshuva, or BT (some who came to be observant of Jewish halacha at some point other than birth), I feel that I have the opportunity to learn so much from the people in the frum community in which I live. However since so many people are so much more learned then I, there is relatively little opportunity for me to actually teach someone Torah ideas which I am attempting to master. One of the ways I have found to actually master new information is to express it either verbally or in writing.
AhMbDvd, Tammuz 8, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Internet writing, is it safe?

There were two drafts preceeding this one which were to be published but then somehow got lost prior to being published.

So here it is. My site provided unique original content. When one placed the words "Seagull Chekhov " in any search emgine, my site published September 2001 was within the top three to six listings. For some reason, although this was not exactly money in the bank, I did get a small dgree of satisfaction from this seemingly unimportant distinction.

I guess maybe this could partly expalin why Tripod/Lycos never quite became a household name.

Why We Must Write.

Those who can- do, those who cant teach. Those who cant teach...write!

The above phrase sort of just came to me as needed. You start creating a blog with a particular idea in mind, a seed. Then one wants to find his audience, the people who this idea was meant to resonate with. Then you simply you hope that you dont go too far off track or get hopelessly distracted.

When you have a gripe such as the following, the words simply start flying right out of the writers mind on to the page.

Like everything else in the world, there is very little justice or truth to be found on the internet. When I wrote my original piece about " The Seagull by Anton Chekhov as performed on Saturday August 18, 2001, at The Joseph Papp Public Theater in Central Park, New York, NY by Stephen C. Sanders "

A piece of prose tediously written directly into html using word pad or just a plain old text document as my html editor over a period of several nights/day/weeks; only to one day wake up over six years later to find the entire site removed by tripod/lycos with no warning or explanation.