Monday, May 16, 2011

Ben Stein: "Arab Spring" is a fraud - CBS Sunday Morning - CBS News

Ben Stein: "Arab Spring" is a fraud - CBS Sunday Morning - CBS News: "Has anyone noticed that the common denominator of all the successful Arab street movements is that they are sympathetic to Iran? When the dust settles, Iran is going to own the Middle East - except for maybe Saudi Arabia, if we have the guts to help them (which I very much doubt).

We are going to lose our pals in Bahrain - not nice guys, but pals of the U.S.A. anyway - and we are going to lose our pals in Yemen, and it will possibly have an actual al Qaeda government."
The piece does seems to be very heavily biases and a little light on actual facts- AhMbDvd 5/16/11

Liar Liar! My Teen Daughter Is a Chronic Liar! | Momtourage

Liar Liar! My Teen Daughter Is a Chronic Liar! | Momtourage: "So, this afternoon I did what all the websites (and my mother) advise to do with a lying teen: I confronted her immediately with the facts: the letter from school, etc….  Predictably she spun a yarn about how she thinks there’s been a quote “mix up” and the P.E. teacher has her confused with someone else.  She laughed it off with a sort of “these things happen” attitude.  (I told you she’s good.)  When that failed to work I asked her why she feels so compelled to lie.  She claimed the usual - she’s afraid she’ll get in trouble.  However, she’s in much deeper hot water for lying than she is for the original infraction. "

Daryl Lorette - Google Profile

Daryl Lorette - Google Profile: "Links

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Get Ready to Live a Life Without Regret | Owning Pink

Get Ready to Live a Life Without Regret | Owning Pink: "Get Comfortable with Solitude. To get clarity on your dreams and to move through your fear, spend some time with yourself. Quiet your mind and you will hear what your heart is longing for and what the world needs of you. You will also find courage here. Comfort with solitude also helps when you come across the nay-sayers, on whom you will have to turn your back. Following your dreams can be lonely. But you will find like-minded people along the way. "